International Network
of Consecrated Life Against Trafficking in Persons
An evangelical
response of hope to the phenomenon of trafficking

KUM: The First Asia Policy Conference on Human Trafficking was held at the Salesian
Retreat House, Thailand from November 10-14, 2013. The networks which represented
the conference were: Talitha Kum
-Thailand - APWRATH, Australia – ACRATH, and India- AMRAT. The meeting initiated
with the Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Theppharat Pitisan, SDB and concelebrated by Fr. Emmanuel Chan Rhan
Huh. The members of the AMRAT had the joy of animating the liturgy. The lighted candles carried at the entrance
procession represented the place of work in their respective countries. At the
end of the Eucharist Sr. Rita Mascarenhas requested the participants to come
forward and take the lighted candles along with them to be light for the
fragile humanity trapped in the flesh trade. Later Sr. Marivic Sta. Ana FMA,
the program coordinator instructed the group about the Gallery walk and of its presentation the next day and gave a rationale and the objectives of the
3-day conference. The Thailand group –
APWRATH.(Asia Pacific women Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) saw to the
opening ceremony in a creative and meaningful way.
Sr. Estrella Castalone, FMA, coordinator of TalithaKum in her opening message said; Jesus by His very
example reminds each one of us of our delicate mission: He did not work the
miracle alone but was always accompanied by His disciples. He did not command but lovingly took the girl by the hand and said; “TalithaKum, little girl arise!” And this is exactly what we are committed to
undertake at TalithaKum, to repeat the same words of Jesus to everyone affected
by human trafficking,
She quoted the first Urbiet Orbi message given on Easter
Sunday by Pope Francis. He said: “Human
trafficking is the most extensive form of slavery in the 21st
century”. Commenting on the words of the
Pope, Sr, Estrella said; that we all know what the Pope was talking about, this modern slavery called human trafficking
and how extensive it is because we touch the lives of people who have been
affected by it and that is why we have committed ourselves to put a stop to
it. And that’s the reason why TalithaKum exists!
The Gallery
Walk: was one more a creative initiative, each one
was encouraged to go around and look at the posters prepared by each group. It
was a glimpse of works and accomplishments of TalithaKum in Asia and TIP
Country profiles.
The Resource
persons for all these 3 days were Atty.
Cristina Sevilla, LL.M. who spoke about International Instruments and model
laws on Anti-Trafficking in Persons.
Jean Enriquez, Executive Director,
CATW-AP spoke on Legislative and Policy Advocacy on Anti-Trafficking. Ms Amihan Abueva,
from the Philippines a representative of
ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection on the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC). Her
discussion was taken from ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and
Protection on the Rights of Women and Children. The Resource persons helped in
drafting the country Policy on Anti- trafficking in Persons, each group got together to put the ideas and identify objectives and effective key
strategies and approaches: i.e., policy and legislation, protection,
prevention, recovery and reintegration. The questions raised by the assembly
were: Is there a need to improve, to
revise the policies, Legislations
concerning Trafficking? After much discussion the assembly came to a common
platform, saying that; Media does a good propaganda/publicity, so how could we work
in collaboration with the media persons?
Sr. Estrella Castalone
FMA. presented the works accomplished by TalithaKum Asia through a powerpoint presentation. She also
appreciated and thanked all the participants and collaborators who reached out
generously in supporting this event. As a token of love and gratitude, each participant
and the resource persons were given a
Rosary blessed by Holy Father Pope Francis. Everyone indeed felt blessed and
happy to receive this gift from Sr. Estrella. The Certificate of Participation
was given by Sr. Marivic Sta. Ana, FMA
to all the participants. The closing ceremonies was seen by AMRAT- INDIA. This
was followed with the Power Point presentation on the Samaritan Woman depicting,
it is Jesus who is the source of our
life and we as consecrated women are called to bring life to its fullness in
the lives of people. It was nice to see 10 FMA involved in this mission of
Human Trafficking in different networks.
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